According to Wikipedia - Copy on Write "is a resource-management technique used in computer programming to efficiently implement a "duplicate" or "copy" operation on modifiable resources."
We all know how testing your code is important for stable releases and early bug detection. We should test happy paths, corner cases, and thrown errors.
Old school
Before async/await coroutines were
Before iOS 13, if you wanted to have a vertical collection view with horizontally scrolling sections it required embedding a scroll view inside the collection view cell, passing the model around, handling touch
With iOS 13 Apple introduced a new and very powerful way of creating layouts for UICollectionView - UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout.
The compositional layout uses three types of "building blocks":
- item - describes
I remember when I was in university, learning Android SDK and writing my first mobile app. All assets were bundled together in nifty R class. With this autogenerated assets class, developers could use